Mouth bacteria? This dog’s mouth bacteria were far more devastating than any cat’s

Ted the Akita who killed two men with a bite to both

The domestic cat is disappointingly known sometimes as an animal with dangerous mouth bacteria. Humans have mouth bacteria too which is probably as dangerous as the bacteria found in the mouths of cats but we never mention human mouth bacteria. By contrast cats get a bad reputation because when they bite somebody it’s a …

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Can cats show affection by biting?

Feline love bite kitten style

I’m discussing domestic cats because the question must be asking about domestic cats. It is an interesting question and it seems to be hinting at the possibility that domestic cats can sometimes deliver a “love bite” as happens in human relationships! There is nothing to suggest in all the research that I have read …

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How much damage could a domestic cat do to a human?

Woman pets stray cat causing rabies alert

There are two ways to answer the question, (1) the physical damage that a domestic cat can cause to the human body and (2) the monetary damage a domestic cat can cause to a person’s wallet! The second sort of damage came to me through the website as did the question in the …

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