The reason why cats knock things over and how it can be avoided

Why cats knock things over

This is a response to the Bored Panda article on why cats knock things over and how to stop them. The veterinary student author of that article lists many reasons why domestic cats knock things over. What we are talking about is cats jumping up onto a table, sideboard or a mantelpiece and knocking …

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Can cats work out the source of the laser pointer dot?

This cat figured out where a laser pointer light came from and it stopped him being interested in the toy.

Can cats work out the source of the laser pointer dot? Some can and some can’t, would seem to the answer. The smart ginger tabby-and-white Maine Coon below did work it out and he is described as smart by his caregiver. He looks smart too. He is one of those Maine Coons that look …

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Places where domestic cats are confined to the home by law

Housing Development Board HDB flats

You may know that there is a gradual, modern trend towards confining domestic cats to their home and the surrounding back and front yard. Whether or not domestic cats are confined to their owners’ properties depends upon individual owner preferences, local laws and cultural norms. There are jurisdictions (places where an authority has control …

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No wet cat food waste (infographic)

Empty bowl under a no waste wet cat food regime

Do you aspire to that cat caregiving utopian ideal of no wet food waste left in the bowl after a feeding or even after five feedings? Well, I’ve achieved it. I’m boasting but I’ve done it through precision feeding. The Infographic explains the MO but I will add a few words. There are perhaps …

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Do interactive (puzzle) cat feeders work?

Interactive puzzle feeder for cats

Yes, in my experience, they work very well. Cats instinctively use them without any training in my experience although it is fairly limited as I live with one cat who used it instinctively for the first time. Cats manage to get the dry cat food pellets out of the feeder without any problem in …

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14 suggestions about domestic cats not using the litter box

It's not inappropriate elimination because for me it is appropriate to avoid the litter tray.

Introduction: The problem of domestic cats not using the litter box is the source of millions of articles. It is euphemistically called “inappropriate elimination”. It is an inaccurate description because from the cat’s standpoint it is entirely appropriate because there’s a reason behind their behaviour and this article sets out 14 different possible reasons. …

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Why do domestic cats self-harm sometimes?

Cat over-grooming

Self-harm in cats is often a displacement activity. This is a complicated topic because even the experts don’t really have a handle on it and it often concerns mental health. In the same way that self-harming in people concerns mental health. I believe that there is a distinct overlap between self-harming in people and …

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Why does my cat bite his tail (to the point of injury)?

Cat bites tail vigorously

Here’s the deal: you can’t answer the question in the title in an article on the Internet. The problem is too deep and too complicated to do that. The answer depends upon observing the cat and looking at the conditions under which they behave and the circumstances of their self-mutilation plus medical diagnosis. And …

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