Flat-faced Persian cat can’t eat conventionally because the food goes all over their face

Flat-faced Persian cat can't eat conventionally because the food goes all over their face

Well, this video is about people who are scared of cats or who don’t like them. They find out over the course of a week that cats can be charming and great companions. All of them were won over. BUT for me the interesting episode in the video is the flat-faced Persian eating from …

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Infographic on pros and cons of cat water and food bowls plus a discussion on whisker stress

Food and water bowls infographic

Choosing a cat bowl is a familiar decision for all newcomers to domestic cat caregiving and also for experienced owners. As all cat bowls are inexpensive or relatively inexpensive compared to most household items it does not pay to buy cheap. The cheapest bowls are made from thin plastic which the experts agree are …

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Are raised cat feeding stations a good idea?

Raised food bowl advantages?

A social media user posted the picture below and ask whether the feeding station was too high. I thought that it was just about acceptable. I was prompted to ask myself whether raised cat feeding stations were beneficial to cats. Or perhaps useful for their caregivers. There might be a small benefit to the …

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Contrafreeloading and the domestic cat

Domestic cat uses an interactive puzzle feeder

“Contrafreeloading” is a made-up word. It was created by animal psychologist Glenn Jensen in 1963. Scientists like to make their use of language harder to understand. It means behaviour which is against “contra” freeloading which means to get something easily. In other words when behaviour is contrafreeloading it is behaviour that requires more effort …

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Domestic cats circling the food bowl as if approaching dead prey when scavenging

Domestic cats sometimes circle the food bowl as if scavenging prey in the wild

I feel sure that many domestic cats do this. My cat approaches his food bowl as if he’s scavenging a dead animal in the wild. He will circle it and approach it from a wide angle rather than going directly towards the bowl. It’s as if he is approaching it with caution and this …

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