Maine Coon youngster with the grandest ears

Maine Coon kitten with the tallest biggest ears and lynx tips you'll see

I am very impressed by this Maine Coon youngster. This is another cat from the Cattery Marvel Forest in Russia. The ears of this cat are the part of their anatomy which caught my eye. The Russian breeders are guided by the World Cat Federation (WCF) as I recall whereas America breeder are usually …

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Picture of tiny leopard cat in thick gloves (tells a story)

Picture of tiny leopard cat in thick gloves

This picture by Reuters/Bernadett Szabo reminds us very starkly that although the small wild cats look cute and cuddly they are genuinely fierce and, yes, wild in character when handled by humans. They are, of course, unsocialised. But it is more than that. They have a fierceness which is impressive; like miniature tigers. Some …

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What is a colourpoint cat?

Javanese is a colourpoint cat

There are two separate topics to discuss under the heading “colourpoint cat”. There are purebred cats of various breeds with pointing. These are all colourpoint cats. So, the term ‘colourpoint cat’ can apply to, for example, a pointed Persian cat called a Himalayan cat or a pointed British Shorthair cat. It’s an umbrella term …

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Oriental cat satisfies CFA breed standard for leg length

Oriental breed standard satisfied for this cat regarding leg length. Photo: Pinterest. Words added.

Cats of the Oriental breed (shorthair and longhair) are good photographic subjects because they have interesting bodies. That’s not a good reason to breed them with exceptional long legs, huge ears and long faces (extreme breeding) but they do look interesting in front of the camera. Of all the breeds there are probably more …

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Why are Scottish Folds in pain?

Scottish Fold

The question in the title presupposes that all Scottish Fold cats suffer from chronic pain but my research indicates that this is not necessarily true. Whether a Scottish Fold suffers chronic and severe pain depends on how the cat was bred. There are two ways to breed Scottish Folds. One way is acceptable while …

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Pictures of Lykoi and Sphynx cats

Lykoi and Sphynx. They are Lobo and Dobby.

This is 2-year-old Lobo a Lykoi cat, commonly called the werewolf cat, and his buddy, Dobby, who is a Sphynx. The latter is hairless and the former is half-hairless. You have to like hairlessness to like the appearance of these cats whose photographs were taken for their Instagram webpage (sphynx_dobby_lykoi_lobo) by Martin Potgieter who …

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