Behind the Japanese cuteness culture there is ugliness and the death of many kittens

This cute kitten died the day after this photo was taken

In the world of cats, in Japan, there are two competing forces. One is a veneer over the other. The veneer is the cuteness culture for which the Japanese have a specific name ‘Kawaii’. The Japanese love cute things and that attitude applies to the selection of the kind of cat that they wish …

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Sphynx cats producing nightmarish amounts of smelly slushy poop

Sphynx from Russia bred and photographed by Dana Danilova Sphynx Cattery Dani Danati

On my travels through the Internet today I have bumped into what appears to be a huge problem with Sphynx cats: smelly, loose stools in nightmarish quantities. There really are some horror stories on the Internet. One Sphynx owner says that she changes the entire litter tray every time her cat goes to the …

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How fast do cats breed?

Mom Cat and Kitten Cat

I’m referring to domestic, stray and feral cats. I am not referring to wild cats because there is quite a big difference. Without some sort of restraint on numbers (and there is always restraint on numbers) a cat population can increase “at a startling rate” according to Dr. Desmond Morris. And according to anybody …

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Cat personality linked to coat colour? Yes, but work in progress.

Red tabby in Malta was a resourceful cat

Can a cat’s personality be linked to their coat colour and type? Apparently, the answer is yes, although I had always thought that this was not strictly possible despite the fact that, anecdotally, many cat owners link coat colour and type to personality such as tortoiseshell cats having ‘catitude’ and red tabby cats being …

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Persian cats introduced polycystic kidney disease into British Shorthair cats

Brit SH kittens

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is the most common inherited disorder in cats according to a 2015 study. It is present in British Shorthair cats. Both the Persian and the British Shorthair carry the same genetic mutation causing the disease. It is an autosomal dominant mutation in exon 29 of the polycystin-1 gene. So how …

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Do cat breed standards encourage the breeding of obese show cats?

Abnormal cat breeds

It has been suggested that cat association breed standards might be encouraging breeders to select breeding cats with genetic traits that promote an overweight physique in order to meet the breed standard. There is a very interesting article on the Pet MD website (2015) which points to this possibility. I discuss that article below …

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