Notes on the personalities of cats of various cat breeds

Cat breed personality as per a study

There have been various studies on the personalities of cats of a number of cat breeds. It’s an interesting topic. I’ve always thought that it is challenging to state that all members of a cat breed have a certain personality. You can’t say that because individual cats have their own personality which modifies any …

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The difference between ‘cat breeds’ and ‘cat species’

Difference between breeds and species

It might be useful to quickly go over the difference between ‘cat breeds’ and ‘cat species’. It’s quite as subtle difference but a very important one. In 1758 the modern idea of classifying all the world’s animals and plants began. Humans like to create some order in the world (I am afraid they’ve failed …

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The most mathematically beautiful domestic cats in the world. Good or bad method?

Measuring the beauty of an animal mathematically. Good or bad.

This list is meant to present the most beautiful domestic cats in the world based upon an ancient mathematical principle, the golden ratio (see below). Believe it if you want to. Personally, I don’t have much faith in it when applied to domestic cats. There are various reasons which I discuss below the ranking …

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What’s the difference between a cat breed and a cat species?

Chart showing one cat species the domestic cat from which all the cat breeds have been carved

There is a major difference between ‘breed’ and ‘species’. The domestic cat is a species of cat and in the family of cats is called Felidae. There are about 36 species of cat, all of which are wild except for the domestic cat, which is a domesticated African-Asian wildcat. A cat breed is a …

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Here are the answers to 6 major cat breed questions

Dates and places of origin of cat breeds

Here are the answers to 6 major cat breed questions. Which cat breeds are the friendliest? Friendliness depends mainly upon socialisation which cuts across the breeds so it is an individual cat thing. However, if pressed I’d nominate the Maine Coon because according to Gloria Stephens, ‘..some develop such a strong attachment to their …

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