How to help prevent your cat getting lost when a wildfire approaches?

Alia Tavenner and Astro reunited

NEWS AND COMMENT: There is a story coming out of Polson, Montana, USA, about a lucky cat who escaped a wildfire. I am happy that Astro made it back to his family. He was burnt and bruised with damaged lungs and swollen paws. Some whiskers were missing. He was singed but he made it. …

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Cats and dogs burned in California Camp Fire are being healed using sterilized fish skins

According to a December 5 post by UC Davis, cats and dogs who suffered burns in the California Camp Fire are receiving a new treatment to help them heal faster. This is the first time sterilized tilapia (fish) skins are being used to aid healing. The VCA Calley Oak Veterinary Center in Chico, California is …

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Russell’s story: ginger cat badly burned in house fire is loved back to health

Russell a cat burned in a house fire

Warning: I am told the video is tough to view if you are a cat lover. I have not seen it. I have difficulty with that sort of video. I found this story on the Animal Emergency Hospital and Urgent Care Facebook page thanks to Diane Ricciardi Stewart’s Facebook page. I then drilled down …

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Heroic Veterinary Medics at Middletown Animal Hospital Continue To Treat Victims of Wildfire

The headline news about the California wildfires have subsided but the work to treat the animals who miraculously survived, some with severe injuries, continues and will do so for months to come. Middletown Animal Hospital is in Lake County, California and a wildfire in that area which started on 12th September consumed 76,000 acres …

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Electric Shock and Burns in Cats

It occurred to me that Christmas is a good time to discuss this topic because, due to all the activity that Christmas brings (both to cats and people) and the extra electrical wiring for lights etc., the chances of a domestic cat receiving an electric shock and subsequent burns are probably slightly increased. Of …

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