The big flaw that is never admitted in keeping cats indoors full-time

Enriched home for indoor cats

NEWS AND COMMENT-AUSTRALIA: The Australian authorities have been disseminating negative propaganda about feral and domestic cats for years. The objective of local, state and federal legislation is to kill all the feral cats on the Australian continent and keep all domestic cats inside full-time. This is Australia’s Utopia from the point of view of …

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How to bond with your cat? Is something wrong?

Cats bond with humans to the same extent as human infants and dogs

I am revisiting a page that I wrote about 12 years ago. The question in the title (which I have subsequently amended) asked how a cat owner can bond with their cat. Internet users ask the question sometimes. The implication is that they feel that they are not bonding with their domestic cat companion. …

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Reason why robotic cats and dogs are so successful with the right person

Muffie the robotic dog and Margie her owner

Realistic, high quality robotic cats and dogs have been around for quite a long time now. It’s interesting that you could claim that robotic cats and dogs are better than the real thing with the right person. I don’t know of any research on the subject so I’m going to think aloud while writing …

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Workers won’t return to the office which is good for their pets and bad for the economy

Working from home

In the UK, there is an advert in the London Underground system. It advertises a disinfectant manufactured by Dettol. The advert encourages white-collar office workers to go back to the office because of the advantages. It promotes the pleasures of the average working day in the office which includes banter with your colleagues at …

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Stray went from the saddest cat to the happiest cat in a couple of hours

A changed expression for this ginger boy who was the saddest cat

You may have heard of him; his name is Mister Bruce Willis. I’m told that he spent six years as an unloved, lonely stray cat on the streets during which he acquired significant health issues which is unsurprising bearing in mind the life he was forced to lead. His health problems included an eye …

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Seven humane and sane alternatives to cat declawing

Cat playing and stretching

I feel that it is my duty as a cat and animal lover to strongly recommend alternatives to cat declawing. Arguably, cat declawing should not exist at all, but because it does I feel compelled to argue the case for alternatives and present them on this page. Acceptance I have to get out of …

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Tory Toff is Irresponsible Cat Owner

George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the British government, the person in whom we have entrusted the economy of Great Britain, is being irresponsibly with respect to looking after his family cat: Freya – a tubby tabby. Some people might say that he is being irresponsible with the lives of British citizens …

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