Tips and tricks: high-quality cat care at the lowest cost

Tips and tricks to providing high-quality cat caregiving while minising cost

I am sure that most cat caregivers want to provide the highest quality cat care at the lowest possible cost. I hope that I can provide some tips and tricks to meet that objective. In America, it is said that is common to spend about $800 annually to look after a domestic cat companion. …

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Cat Temperature – taking it and conditions affecting it

Taking a domestic cat's temperature

As you might know, the only way to take your cat’s temperature is to use a rectal thermometer. You can use either a bulb or digital version. The digital thermometer is more convenient as it records temperatures quicker and is much less likely to break during the process. If you use a bulb thermometer …

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Should people with certain illnesses or backgrounds be prevented from adopting shelter cats?

This is a discussion on whether certain human diseases, health conditions or backgrounds should determine whether a cat should be adopted out to that person. As we get older, most of us suffer from one condition or another. Some are due to lifestyle choices and others are hereditary. We all know people who are …

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List of cat foods the most knowledgeable cat food expert gives her cats (2022)

Best cat foods only human grade as per Susan Thixton

Susan Thixton is probably the most expert and knowledgeable person on pet food that is currently sharing their knowledge on the Internet. Susan Thixton runs the Truth about Pet Food website. It is a respected website. Thixton has been running her website meticulously for a very long time. She is a very demanding woman …

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Do you stop your cat coming inside when she has a mouse in her mouth?

Cat with mouse at door locked out as forbidden to bring prey animals in

The photograph on this page was taken by the boyfriend of a woman who is the caregiver of a grey cat who is allowed outside and who likes to bring her prey animals inside the home, which is entirely typical. Note: some cats devour their prey animals where they kill them. Often domestic cats …

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Nice photo of a cat’s claws with whiskers in the background

Good photo of a cat's claws

This nicely visualised photo of a cat’s claws with whiskers in the background caught my eye today. It is important to celebrate the anatomy of the domestic cat. A cat’s claws are a major part of the cat. They are not an annoying piece of anatomy to be removed at the whim of the …

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