Do cats prefer women?

Ugandan kitten

Do domestic cats prefer women? It seems distinctly possible that domestic cats do prefer women, in general. Obviously there will be specific instances when they don’t. It is quite unusual to ask if cats prefer women. Most reference books don’t touch on this sort of issue. But it is relevant in terms of best …

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Brushing a cat with a toothbrush reminds them of mother’s tongue

Cat being groomed with a toothbrush

Another trend has started up on the Chinese social media website TikTok. You know the website that President Trump wants to shut down or be taken over by an American company as he can’t trust them. TickTok is in the same bracket as Huawei. But it is an enormously popular site with the young …

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If lockdown has made our cats more friendly there is a lesson to be learned

Lottie and Humph

The Sun online newspaper reports that more than half of UK cat owners claim that their feline friends have become friendlier during lockdown. Almost 90 percent said that their pet – either a dog or cat – had provided them with emotional support during the lengthy coronavirus pandemic lockdown in the UK. This is …

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Does your cat predict your next move? Mine does. It’s about routines.


When a cat guardian’s lifestyle is meshed with the lifestyle of their domestic cat companion you create routines which are merged and bound together. This is one of the Holy Grails of cat “ownership”. It is a way of allowing your cat to experience Total Cat Mojo in the inimitable words of Jackson Galaxy. …

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Katie Price should buy cuddly toys rather than adopt companion animals as too many have died in her care


NEWS AND VIEWS, UK: Katie Price, a British celebrity, is careless when it comes to her welfare and an appparent failure in respect of the welfare of her companion animals. It’s worse than that. She is a walking disaster. Correction, she can no longer walk because it is reported yesterday in all the online …

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Tory Toff is Irresponsible Cat Owner

George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the British government, the person in whom we have entrusted the economy of Great Britain, is being irresponsibly with respect to looking after his family cat: Freya – a tubby tabby. Some people might say that he is being irresponsible with the lives of British citizens …

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