Siamese kitten tested positive for meth and amphetamine

Athena had an incredibly hard start to her life

NEWS AND VIEWS: I always comment on the news rather than simply repeating it as I must. I have to contribute something to it. No point just regurgitating it. And this story from America, from my perspective, highlights a problem with drug taking that is a big issue in America and other countries. Drugs …

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Gut-brain axis and how a cat can help improve gut health and boost your immune system

Gut-brain axis and how a cat can help boost your immune system

There is an interesting report in The Times newspaper this morning about the ‘gut-brain’ axis; something I had never heard of before. Feeling content can boost gut health which in turn can improve your immune system which in turn can reduce inflammation in your body which in turn can help to prevent diseases caused …

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Pets versus Jets in respect of global warming?

Pets versus Jets in respect of global warming?

It’s quite a catchy title, isn’t it? Pets versus jets. The Paw Post coined it. It encapsulates the discussion about whether keeping dogs is more damaging to the environment than the average private jet customer who apparently is responsible for 3.3 tons of carbon dioxide emitted into the environment per year. In contrast, the …

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For improved health schoolchildren should do the cat litter and other cat chores in the evening

Yeh, time to do the cat litter tray and play with the family cat!

Here’s something for parents to get a hold of; something which might create a bit of fiction in the home but which will benefit the children and the family cat. There’s a study out at the moment published in The Times conducted at the University of Exeter which came to the conclusion that if …

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Most Americans take care of their pets better than themselves

Survey about cat and dog ownership reveals some interesting information

A OnePoll survey which was published in the summer of 2021 found that almost 70% of Americans take better care of their companion animals than they do of themselves, which I find slightly odd I’ve got to say. I’m not sure that it is actually accurate because these polls are carried out by questionnaires …

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Catster asks: “Can Cats Eat Blueberry Muffins? Vet approved Facts & FAQ”. WTH!

Cat loves blueberry muffin

Vet approved! Who is going to feed their cat blueberry muffins for dinner?! You don’t need a vet to approve the answer to the question because no cat caregiver in their right mind is going to feed their cat blueberry muffins (note: plural). And I don’t expect a domestic cat to be interested in …

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AI will make us lazier and fatter (and poorer cat caregivers)

AI will make us fatter and less capable as cat caregivers

I believe that the citizens of Great Britain are becoming lazier and fatter already and perhaps the same trend might apply to other developed countries such as America. AI might make things worse. We are told that the improved lifespan of the typical American has flatlined and retracted perhaps because of obesity and partly …

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