Are Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin fit to look after F1 Savannah cats?

Sushi with leg break

NEWS AND VIEWS (COMMENT): Justin Bieber and his Savannah cats are in the news again. It’s not the kind of news that he would welcome. It highlights two things in my mind about Justin Bieber and his wife and their relationship with two expensive F1 Savannah cats. The first is that this sort of …

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My cats come into the house to use the litter tray and I want to stop it

Outdoor cat litter box

The problem A person aired this problem online. They say that although their cats are allowed to go outside the house and are free to roam around as they wish, they come inside to use the litter tray to go to the toilet. She wants her cats to go to the toilet outside the …

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Are Siamese cats indoor cats?

Survey on whether Siamese cats should be indoors or not

Are Siamese cats indoor cats? The answer very much depends on the cat’s human caretaker. That’s obvious but it needs stating. It is a philosophical question to a certain extent. Attitudes about letting cats outside vary from country to country. We know that. And as the Siamese cat is purebred they are more valuable …

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Long-haired cats and litter box problems

Suzy a beautiful long haired calico cat

I have read that Persian cats can become involved in litter box aversion and inappropriate elimination more often than other purebred cat. I think this may be due to their very long fur (rather than their personality) which is part of their breed standard. There are other cats with long fur so this article …

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Brits are NOT abandoning their cats and dogs because of the coronavirus

Super shaggy cat

This is a good news story. I’d feared that there would be an increase in the number of cats and dogs abandoned because of concerns that they might spread coronavirus as there have been some very rare, reported cases of cats contracting the disease. It is also known that the disease can transmit it …

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Should I keep my cat indoors because of Covid-19?

Should I let my cat outside during Covid-19 pandemic?

Jackson Galaxy believes that all domestic cats should be kept indoors at all times. The coronavirus makes no difference to him and he is a respected cat behaviourist in the US. If you do let your cat go outside all the time, there is a slightly increased risk that your cat can get coronavirus. …

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