The claws of wild and domestic cats (infographic)

Black Oriental Shorthair bred in Russia wants to get down as his breeder holds him for a video

Together with the cat’s athleticism, their claws and teeth define the cat because they are essential to their predatory nature. The cat is a top predator and they live with us when domesticated. It’s remarkable in many ways that humans should so successfully live with such a devastating predator. The relationship isn’t always successful …

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5 barriers to domestic cat success (infographic)

5 barriers to domestic cat success

This is a square infographic which illustrates five barriers to domestic cat success. As I state, this is not a criticism of cat domestication. It is realisation that barriers exist. We are two very different species with a lot in common despite the barriers. All five can result in problems in the human-to-cat relationship, …

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Infographic on points of interest about cats’ paws

Spectrum and cat's paws

Well, I love cats’ paws. As I say in the infographic they are deadly and delightful. They are soft and gentle when at rest but deadly when the cat wants to use their claws because it happens so fast and the claws are so damned sharp as they are sharpened all the time by …

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Infographic on cats ‘sharpening their claws’ (scratching)

Cat sharpening claws (scratching)

This is an infographic on a form of feline behaviour which is extensively discussed online and extensively carried out by cats! Cat scratching to ‘sharpen their claws’ is the cause of much consternation among a big section of the cat owning society leading on many occasions in North America to that barbaric veterinary operation …

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What is worse, a cat bite or a cat scratch?

Claw and teeth of cat

Starting with the presumption that the scratch and bite are of about equal severity, to answer the question the title I think we have to look at two things: The frequency with which bacteria is transferred from cats to people through their teeth compared to through their claws and; The ‘potency’ of the bacteria …

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