How does the Thundershirt for cats work?

Thundershirt for cats

The manufacturers of the Thundershirt claim that it works in the same way swaddling a baby works. I am not sure that this is true. The Thundershirt works for cats and dogs. I believe that the reason why it works for a lot of dogs may be different to the reason why it works …

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Meet Coco The High Couture Cat and her Guardian Teri Thorsteinson

You may or may not agree with putting clothes on cats. If you disagree, I hope that you will be able to suspend your initial negative reaction for a moment to read that in this particular instance these kitties are dressed up only for special occasions, and for fund-raising purposes to help cats in …

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Cats Wearing Clothes

by Elisa Black-Taylor (USA) Pamela’s Castlepaws Logo Castlepaws suspenders to hold cat diaper A Castlepaws walking vest Mynwood Walking Jacket (UK based) For those readers who haven’t noticed, there are a lot of cats wearing clothes these days. Their photos can be found on various websites as they model their kitty outfits. Lorenzo the …

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