Tip from domestic cats on how humans should wash their hair

Cats don't use shampoo!

UK: This is a strange topic and a short one post but I strongly sense that the contents are true and useful to those who question the status quo and like to try new things. You may have heard of Mathew Parris. He is a longstanding Times journalist and a former member of Parliament. …

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Difference between white and albino tigers

Difference between white and albino tigers

I have written about white and albino tigers before in separate articles. This addresses one issue: the difference between them as the internet seems to be confused as I am seeing white tigers listed under albino tigers. In terms of appearance there is a distinct difference between a white tiger and an albino tiger. …

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How do I know if my cat is cold at night?

Is my cat cold at night? Yes, possibly if the ambient temperature is cold and there is nothing to keep him warm.

You know that your cat likes warmth. The corollary is that he dislikes the cold. You know that your cat likes to lie in a sunny patch on the floor by the window. Or a warm patch on the kitchen floor because you have underfloor heating (see picture below). You know that your cat …

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Why are tortoiseshell cats nearly always female?

Dilute tortoiseshell Maine Coon photo by Robert Sijka

As you might well imagine, the reason why tortoiseshell cats are nearly always female is to do with the genetics and how the genes that dictate the coat colour and pattern are linked to the sex of the cat. Female mammals have 2 X chromosomes while males have one X and one Y chromosome. …

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Why are gray cats called blue?

Gray cats are called ‘blue’ because the grey coat has a faint blue tint. This is because the grey coated cat is genetically a dilute black coat; the effect of the presence of the dilution gene. This partly explains why cat breeders and the cat associations i.e., the cat fancy refers to grey cats …

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Green cat (3 aspects)

Green Cat

This is about 3 aspects of ‘green cat’: A cat with green fur or partially green fur Another feline mutation? A cat or cat caregiver 😎 that is green (environmentally friendly) Cat with Green Fur On April 1, 2002, Sarah Hartwell published a long page on her well-known website, Messybeast.com about the genetics of …

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