Is Your Cat Able to Tell When You Are Happy or Angry?

Is your cat able to read your emotions from your facial expressions? I don’t expect a cat to be able to read the subtle emotions and feelings of others. But is your cat able to know when you’re happy or sad? Is your cat able to tell when you are angry or relaxed and …

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Animal Psychic and Communicator

An animal psychic hears what cat’s are saying inside her head. Do you believe in animal psychics? They are sometimes called animal whisperers but that phrase is used to mean a lot of things. There are lots of animal psychics and all of then seem to focus on an ability to communicate with animals …

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Finding Lost Cats in London through Animal Communication

By Tim As an animal communicator specializing in working with lost animals, I’ve had the pleasure of reuniting many families with their missing pets. Two such cases transpired in London not too long ago when cat owners in London contacted me about their missing cats. The first cat, Colin, wandered off after being in …

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“Cat Talk” – communication via intimacy and familiarity

“Cat Talk” or “Cat Speak” is a form of communication arising out of an intimate and close relationship. All of us, who have travelled to foreign countries, without foreign language skills, know that it is possible to manage; to get by and make ourselves understood. We use gestures, expressions, bits of the language, pointing …

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Cats are Strong Communicators: To Understand them Speak Cat

No matter what anyone says to the contrary, I fully believe that communicating with cats is truly a very special art form. Through the years, I have found that the majority of kitty lovers that I “meet” on the Internet, or those friends in real life who also live with cats, honestly regard themselves …

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Caracals Can Communicate With Their Ears

by Deborah-Ann Milettte (New York) Qe Tesh of the Nile (Egyptian for the God of Nature) surveys her domain Many people don’t realize that before I owned my famous boy “Motzie” I used to rescue, safe-capture and relocate exotic felines. Yes, I am talking about lions, tigers, leopards (to a certain age), servals, caracals …

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