Firefighters Didn’t Try To Save My Cat

By Jayme Introduction by Michael: I wrote an article about firefighters saving the lives of cats and kittens in the USA. Jayme commented on it and this is the comment…..(thanks Jayme) First, let me say I am humbled by the hard service rendered by the men and women who are our firefighters. Having said …

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Heaven is real: Which pet do you hope to spend eternity with?

I believe heaven is for real, and our precious pets go there when they die. There, they wait for us, and may occasionally pay a pop-in visit back in our world. Just to be sure we’re doing well without them. The topic of heaven and our pets always makes my head spin. I truly …

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Are They Your Cat’s Ashes?

by Sylvia Ann You mercy-killed him on a Thursday. ‘Call us next Wednesday.’ the vet nurse tells you. ‘It takes five or six days.’ Wednesday arrives, with no word. Eleven days later – the following Monday – a man with a blandiloquent voice answers the phone at the crematorium. ‘Uh…what’s the name again?’ he …

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