Maine Coon cat became depressed after the pandemic

Maine Coon depression due to isolation resolved by adopting another Maine Coon cat. But whilst the problem entirely resolved? Domestic cats need the companionship of their human caregiver as well.

There is a story online today about a ginger tabby Maine Coon cat who became depressed when the Covid-19 lockdowns ended. The cat’s name is Mango. He’s male because nearly all ginger tabby domestic cats are males because the coat is sex-linked. He lives in Romania. His owner is Mady Mondan and partner. She …

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6 signs your cat might be lonely. Discussion.

Lonely cat

This is a commentary on Dr. Sarah Wooten’s thoughts on lonely domestic cats and how they tell us that they are lonely (see video at base of article). How many domestic cats are lonely and bored? We don’t know. We should know. This topic gets mashed up with the idea that domestic cats sleep …

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As exercise alleviates depression in people why do we allow indoor cats to be inactive all day?

A shot of endorphins helps me get through my day. What about domestic cats?

You probably know this already. Exercise helps to alleviate depression. Going outside and walking within a natural landscape is also good to lift one’s mood. If you don’t know that already then you do now! And if you are cynical and don’t believe it, you haven’t got to go far online to confirm that …

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Veterinarian wrong to say that cats are depressed and irritated by their owners when at home too much

Sad kitten

There is a report by the Express newspaper of a woman, whose name is Joanna, tweeting the following: “Today the vet told me that since Covid, they have had to treat a number of cats with depression caused by irritation that their people are at home all day.” She thought that it is “the …

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CBD oil for cats – potential side effects such as damaged liver?

Side effects of CBD for cats

I am extrapolating a review of research concerning the use of CBD oil (cannabidiol) for humans to warn that this new health treatment might damage the liver and the immune and reproductive systems as reported by The Times. It can also cause lethargy, sedation, drooling, tremors, diarrhoea and vomiting. This is a long list …

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Drugs don’t work for child depression so why give them to cats?

The majority of antidepressants taken by children are ineffective. In some cases the drug is harmful. This is the conclusion of a major study. General Practitioners tend to give out antidepressant drugs for children too readily. They tend to give out antibiotics too readily as well. The same, with respect to antibiotics, can be …

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