Sick, male, stray, unneutered ginger tabby survives Québec winter and asks to come in from the cold

Stray ginger tabby survives Quebec winter and comes in from the cold

He has a classic unaltered male domestic cat face with those jowls. His face also has the harshness of the Québec winter etched all over it. In February, in Québec City, the high temperature is a high of -4°C and the low as -13°C. It’s exceedingly cold and this boy survived it. We don’t …

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Do cats’ paws fall asleep?

Why no pins-and-needles!?

In other words, do cats get pins-and-needles in their feet? We don’t know the answer for sure. We can guess pretty accurately, though, that cats don’t get pins-and-needles in their paws and lower legs – the area below the hock. You won’t find scholarly articles on this but there will be anecdotal evidence. My …

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Top three cat health insurance claims

Cat checked for health

This page discusses the top three cat health insurance claims in America as per five pet insurance companies (2018). Trupanion said that their number one insurance claim concerned undiagnosed vomiting and diarrhoea. The second and third were urinary tract infections and kidney disease respectively. ASPCA reported the top three as: gastrointestinal conditions, hyperthyroidism and …

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Cat diabetes – home treatment – first hand experience

Home treatment for feline diabetes

Intro: this is a long and detailed article. It is written by a great guy who has first hand experience of caring for a diabetic cat so it is very useful. Bob kindly agreed to pass on his experience. It was written years ago but is as useful now as it was then. Feline …

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Fifth of UK cat owners don’t know that their cat is a carnivore

Palmerston the Foreign Office cat

A fifth (20 out of 100 cat owners) don’t realise that their cat is a carnivore so concludes a 2,000 cat owner survey by a cat food manufacturer, Lily’s Kitchen. This lack of basic and essential knowledge on cat nutrition has some startling consequences. Ten percent of British cat owners feed their cats raw …

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