Life Expectancy Of A Cat With Diabetes?

What is the best diet for a diabetic cat?

It is not possible to provide a definitive statement as to the life expectancy of a diabetic cat for various reasons one of which is that it is possible to cure the diabetes at which time the cat is likely to have a normal lifespan. However, some diabetic cats will have shortened lives because of the disease and these cats will bring down the average life expectancy to around 13-14 years in my opinion.

Declawing can cause feline diabetes

Blossom a diabetic and declawed cat

By Cassandra Cat Did you know that not only dry food is the culprit, but declawing causes diabetes too. The diabetes connection…..When we printed the list of declawed cats to inspect, one thing immediately caught our eye: nearly every diabetic cat Animal Ark currently houses was on the list, with only one exception. To …

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Veterinarians of Queensland, Australia issue life ban to cat owner who complained about poor veterinary treatment

Princess - let down by veterinarians

The Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland responded to a complaint by Maria, the owner of a now deceased cat whose name is Princess, by issing a life-time ban on any future treatments for any type of pet that she owns. Does this sound astonishing to you? It does to me. Maria has done nothing …

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Monitoring Blood Glucose Levels in Cats

There are up to a quarter of a million cat guardians in the USA who monitor their cat’s blood glucose levels because their cat has type I or II diabetes. One in 400 American cats have diabetes. The cat fails to produce enough insulin resulting in elevated blood sugar levels. Obesity predisposes that cat …

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Message to Cat Food Manufacturers: Cut Out the Sugar!

There is too much sugar in a lot of commercially manufactured cat food. There is too much sugar in processed commercially manufactured human food. The big multinational corporations, which manufacture and supply cat food worldwide are very good at making a profit. Their packaging and marketing is excellent. They give the impression that their …

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