Why don’t cats drink much water?

Cat drinking from flowing water

Instinctively because of their evolution domestic cats don’t drink much water which can impact their health and drinking habits. Domestic cats have kidneys which are two and a half times more efficient than ours at ridding the body of waste products. This is inherited from their wild cat ancestor. It is a reflection of …

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Cat is more Sophisticated than the Dog when Drinking

‘Cats rule, dogs drool’ is a funny way to describe the difference. The dog has a cruder drinking technique than the cat. That’s what I claim! We know that cats are more sophisticated than dogs, don’t we?! Research, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Virginia Tech and Princeton University in the USA, has explained …

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Cat drinking a lot of water?

This is almost invariably about kidney malfunction/failure…. “Cat drinking a lot of water?” is something that comes up as a query on the Internet. Other search terms are: “cat drinking too much water” and “cat excessive vocalizations and drinking”. Sometimes cats drink out of the toilet and basin but this does not necessarily imply …

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