Green tea for cats?

Green tea calms cats. Anxiety in cats is fairly common under a wide range of circumstances and a cat may be timid and therefore anxious quite a lot of the time at home even though the environment is okay. The active ingredient in green tea is L-theanine. The pharmaceutical companies manufacturing pet drugs and …

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Can Pot for Pets help end the suffering of our companion animals?

Although in traditional medical circles using marijuana to treat people remains a controversial topic, why can’t this popular weed help alleviate the constant suffering and intractable pain that is endured by companion animals who are terminally ill? Colorado and Washington State have already legalized the recreational use of marijuana. Thousands of people are taking …

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Amitriptyline (anticholinergic drug) for cats may increase risk of feline dementia

Amitriptyline (Elavil) is administered to cats with ‘behavior disorders’ such as inappropriate urination and destructive behavior and for medical conditions such as cystitis, separation anxiety and more. It is an anticholinergic drug. It inhibits acetylcholine activity. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter (a chemical transmitter).  In people, amitriptyline is used for all kinds of conditions such as …

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Lux the Cat: Jackson Galaxy Updates The Kitty’s Progress

According to an article in the Seattle Times about Lux, the Portland, Oregon “Attack cat” (aka the 911 kitty), Cat Daddy Jackson Galaxy said; “I can say without hesitation that Lux is the most complicated character I think I’ve ever dealt with.” Following its international media release last March, Lux’s story went viral. I …

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