White Cats: 1 in 300 chance of skin cancer through sunlight

White cats are far more likely to get skin cancer, in a sun-exposed site of their body, than other cats. In fact, over 13 times as likely.  By skin cancer I am referring to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which is cancer of a certain type of cell (epithelial cell) in the skin. In a …

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Cat Yawn Ear Movement

This is a video of Tootsie by VG. It is in slow motion. You’ll see Tootsie’s ears flatten while she yawns and then flip forward. The slow motion makes it easier to see how the ears move when a cat yawns. Being an ailurophile I am interested in ear movements during yawning 😉 We …

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False Feral Cat Ear Clipping (tipping)

Are some people who care for feral cat colonies clipping the ears of cats to give the impression that the cat is neutered (although they are not), which helps to protect the cat from being trapped and euthanised? I have no idea. Neutered (male) and spayed (female) cats do not present a problem to …

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