Bad experience with a Bob Martin ‘spot on’ treatment. Warning: margosa extract can be toxic.

Halfway down this page is an article written by a visitor about six years ago: Suzy. She said that she had a very bad experience with Bob Martin’s spot-on flea treatment because it poisoned her cat. At the time I did a bit of research and decided it was a naturally occurring substance called …

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Flea treatments can kill or cause harm: please read the instructions and use caution

Flea treatment insecticides pollute rivers and streams

Flea treatments can kill. This sounds a bit dramatic but it is true. The spot-on flea treatments can kill your cat. And if they don’t kill your cat, they can make your cat ill. That is not to say that they are inherently dangerous – they are not. In fact, they are very effective …

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Multiple pets? Cat flea problem? 4 things that should interest you.

Cat fleas cannot fly

The Cuyahoga Falls Veterinary Clinic in Ohio, USA, provides American citizens with some excellent advice about flea control in their homes. There are 4 things in their advice which caught my eye and which I would like to pass on. As part of the cat flea life cycle the pupae stage is important because …

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Flea combing your cat: it’s a win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win activity!

Tube of fleas

Every cat owner on the planet should have a couple of high-quality flea combs1 purchased from Amazon which they keep by their bed. And every day they use one of them twice. They start on the forehead and pass the comb down the back of the head onto the shoulders. They then go from …

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Can cats get fleas in the winter?

Combing includes flea combing. They should be combined

Yes, cats can quite definitely get fleas in the winter and I have first hand experience of it. My cat is, today, an indoor/outdoor cat. He can gow wherever he wants to and he likes to visit a shed a few houses down from me where there are mice. For a domestic cat like …

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Are flea collars safe for kittens?

Cat flea collar

Flea collars are not safe for kittens unless you talk to a good veterinarian first and even then I’d consider them fundamentally unsafe but that’s a personal view. I have strong views about these products and the use of pesticides on pets. It’s essential that you take advice on these products because they are …

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Cat and dog flea treatments harm river life

Fipronil in cat and dog spot on flea treatments

Companion animal flea treatment pesticides, fipronil and imidacloprid, are ending up in rivers where they harm marine wildlife and insects such as dragonflies, mayflies and beetles. Fipronil is the main ingredient in the well known and well used Frontline flea treatment for cats. It’s an insecticide which disrupts the insect’s central nervous system causing …

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Killing cat fleas by drowning and using soap

Cat flea

There is a lot of talk on the Internet about killing cat fleas by drowning and using soap. I’d like to discuss these options in this article. Do cat fleas live on dogs? Can flea collars make cats sick? Drowning You can drown fleas if you force them underwater and hold them there for …

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