Alternatives to chemical pesticides to help control fleas and ticks

By Sandy In 2012 the EPA notified manufacturers to make labeling changes to spot on flea and tick products, yet 3 years later….. We see that in spite of a disturbing rise in adverse reactions to these products, most manufacturers have yet to implement any changes to labeling. The EPA’s recommendations request the labeling to …

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Be safe, use veterinary products only

Don't Buy Cheap Cat Flea Treatments

The title to this post does not always apply! In my opinion, you have to exercise a bit of caution and common sense when assuming that veterinary products are safe and the best because vets are in business and that means they have associations with other businesses to sell their products which in turn …

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Advantage Cat Flea Treatment better than Frontline?

There are signs from comments in forums on the internet and on this website that Advantage flea treatment is better than Frontline (topical spot treatments).  There is a page on the Mumsnet website (a large website) which supports the thought that where Frontline fails Advantage works. Vets and researchers are inclined to respond to …

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