How do I know if I’m feeding my cat good quality dry cat food?

Cat in dry cat food

High quality dry cat food results in a cat pooping ‘normally’ in the cat litter box whereas low quality dry food can lead to poor quality, smelly poop and frequent pooping (see below for more details). This diagnostic method requires the use of a litter tray which is not always available to owners of …

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Do cats like their water bowl at a distance from their food bowl?

Distance between food and water for cats. Why?

People ask: Why do cats like their water separate from their food? They are asking if cats like their water bowl at a distance from their food bowl. And if they do; why? You see some pretty fancy arguments as to why cats like this but I’d bet my bottom dollar that these are …

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You’re not a cat hoarder but a cat food hoarder!

Well stocked with cat food at this home

There is an interesting discussion on cat food on social media. It’s about how much you store in your kitchen or to use an old-fashioned word, pantry. Does this picture reflect your attitude to cat food purchase and storage? The person concerned said that visitors to her home said that she spoiled her cats …

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Can humans eat cat food and will it be cheaper?

Tuna open sandwich made with wet cat food

In general terms, the answer to the two questions in the title are (a) yes and (b) yes but it depends upon the food quality. Eating cat food to save money is not a long-term solution and it is not ideal. And people tend to store cat food less well than they do human …

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Why do domestic cats love corn on the cob?

Cat eats corn on the cob like a human

I am not sure that all domestic cats like corn on the cob but judging by the number of questions asked on the Internet about cats eating corn on the cob and also judging by the video on this page of a cat eagerly gobbling up corn on the cob, it has its attractions …

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Expensive cat food can be 25 times more expensive than the cheapest. Is it worth it?

Cost of cat food chart

The experts at the Clinical Nutrition Service say that “The yearly costs ranged from $86 to over $2,100” when assessing the price range of wet and dry cat foods in the United States. The infographic below shows the range. It is entirely based on their assessment. The cheapest dry food costs 23 cents a …

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Infographic on 5 thoughts on excess weight in cats

Infographic on 5 thoughts on excess weight in cats

This is a pretty basic infographic but I feel that it is useful to restate the basics from time to time. It depends on the person but there is no doubt that many cat owners still don’t really understand the need to watch calorie input and to burn more energy through exercise. For humans …

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