Infographic on why cats have nine lives

Why does a cat have nine lives? Infographic.

Dr Morris, Britain’s famous zoologist, author and artist provided us with a very straightforward explanation on why cats have nine lives in 1986, and here it is in an infographic. The only weakness in the explanation is that no one has the faintest idea what a ‘trinity of trinities’ is. (❁´◡`❁). Well they try …

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How long can a domestic cat survive without food OR without water?

How long can cats survive on food only or water only?

This is a commonly asked question and I’ve not yet seen a really good answer. When you ask how long a domestic cat can survive without food you are presuming that the cat has access to water and therefore you are asking for how long a cat can survive on water only. Technically, the …

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Does a Cat have Nine Lives?

by Poochu (India) First pigeon Loud meow Careless throwing of poisoned rodent carcass in the open takes away the life of feral kittens. This human negligence killed a hungry black male feral kitten through “Secondary Poisoning”. Weeks later when the dead feral’s sibling, an orange male kitten was found vomiting yellowish frothy mucous followed …

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