Are Black Cats Healthier?

Intro: this is an article I have brought forward (re-dated) which was written several years ago – Michael Cassie-A very healthy cat Cassie now and then Peeper Midnight Whineybutt-Sole survivor This morning as I sat and stared at our three month old black kitten Midnight, I found myself asking the question “are black cats …

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Why do American vets allow cat owners to give Sub-Q injections while British vets don’t?

There is a culture difference between American and British veterinarians. According to Helen Fitzsimons, the internet’s expert on feline chronic kidney disease (, a possible reason why this culture difference exists in respect of home treatments in using subcutaneous fluids is because British vets focus more on the what is good for the cat …

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In Australia Some Commercial Cat Food Could Cause “Severe Illness or Injury” to Adult Cats

Peer-reviewed research at the University of Sydney published in the Australian Veterinary Journal has concluded that some commercial pet food could cause severe illness or injury to adult cats. This is shocking news. This is outrageous news. But it does not really surprise us. It should not surprise people who are in tune with …

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Third-hand Cigarette Smoke and Cat Health

Third-hand cigarette smoke may have an impact on a cat’s health. It should be flagged up, at least. Third-hand cigarette smoke is a controversial subject. Some people say it is just the anti-smoking brigade putting out propaganda. No doubt, the people who argue this are smokers. I think, however, that third-hand cigarette smoke is …

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