Can a cat recover from hepatic lipidosis?

With quick aggressive treatment about 90% of cats with hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease) survive but without it, the survival rate goes down to 10 to 15%. What is the cause and what is the treatment? You will need to see a vet about this so you can book the appointment before you read …

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Do antibiotics cure cat flu?

Cat with flu

No, antibiotics will not help genuine cat flu because this infectious disease is caused by a virus and antibiotics are prescribed to cure bacterial infections not viral infections. However, often a viral infection can lead to a secondary bacterial infection which is why veterinarians sometimes prescribe antibiotics if they see a patient with cat …

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Tea tree oil, safe for humans, unsafe for pets, for sale on Amazon

Melaleuca alternifolia

Tea tree oil is Melaleuca oil. It comes from the leaves of the tea tree, Melaleuca alternifolia. This tree is native to south-east Queensland and the north-east coast of New South Wales, Australia. Tea tree oil is for sale extensively on Amazon. It is therefore readily available to many millions of people. Many websites …

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Feline IBD – overview plus conventional and FMT treatments

Feline IBD treatment could be a raw diet

Introduction What are the symptoms? What are the causes? Treatments? Introduction Feline IBD stands for Cat Irritable Bowel Disease. It is not uncommon, hence this article. In fact, incidences of this disease have increased over the past 30 years1. It is quite a descriptive title for a disease because the bowel is indeed irritated. …

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Blanket of ticks on kitten’s head removed with tweezers

Poor rescue kitten's head covered in ticks. The vet assistant or veterinarian removes them with tweezers

This is unpleasant: a tabby rescue kitten who acquired a blanket of gorged ticks all over his head. It is horrendous to look at. I hope you find it acceptable to view. There is a video but I am not allowed to present it here. The video screenshots do it justice. The vet nurse …

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Two most effective deworming treatments for cats

A good source tells me that the two most effective deworming medications are (1) praziquantel + pyrantel and (2) fenbendazole. These drugs are effective in treating ascarids, hookworms and tapeworms. They are effective broad spectrum deworming drugs. Not all deworming drugs are effective across the various species of parastic worm found in cats. As …

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Can you sue a doctor (veterinarian) for wrong diagnosis?

Animal doctor (veterinarian) with young cat in vet clinic

Veterinarians are called doctors. You can sue a doctor for wrong diagnosis but the whole process is usually highly problematic. You know that something went wrong and you know that your cat received poor treatment by your veterinarian and as a result your cat either died or suffered injury. But you’ve got to prove …

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Can hyperthyroidism cause kidney disease in cats?

Thin hyperthyroid cat

No hyperthyroidism per se can’t cause kidney disease in cats but it seems that some treatments for hyperthyroidism can reduce kidney function. Dr Bruce Fogle in his book Complete Cat Care writes, “Chronic kidney failure does not occur as a direct effect of hyperthyroidism, but the two diseases often occur together simply because they …

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