Domestic cats love to lick ice
These domestic cats love to lick this globe of ice floating around water. Perhaps it was hot and they were thirsty.
These domestic cats love to lick this globe of ice floating around water. Perhaps it was hot and they were thirsty.
This Indonesian woman, Dinda, believes that the licks from her cat cures her acne. It begs the question whether cat licks are a general cure for acne hence the question in the title. Her cat’s name is Nia. Dinda’s sister, Debi, filmed Nia diligently licking her sister’s face. She claims that the cat licking …
Autogrooming describes behavior that you see a lot if you are a cat guardian. It means the grooming (licking) of a cat by the cat themselves. The alternative word is ‘allogrooming’ which you might know means one cat grooming another. Allogrooming is often mutual and a kitten experiences it almost from birth when their …
By now, with the advent of the internet as a major source of information, I would expect that 90% of cat owners know the answer to this question but it may be useful to go over it once again. Most cat owners will probably say that their cat licks them because it is a …
The obvious reason why domestic cats lick their owners is because it is a sign of affection but there may be alternative reasons, which I discuss here. I say this because scientists have not yet investigated this form of feline behaviour, which surprises me. The commonsense reason is the one stated in the first …
Millions of people have asked and answered the question: “Why do cats lick people?’. There are hundreds of websites answering it. I will throw my two pennies’ worth into the ring. I think the answer is obvious but it is interesting to see that Dr Bradshaw of Cat Sense writes: “Many cats lick their …
My belief is that domestic cats lick fur instinctively by which I mean without conscious thought. It just happens. This goes against the grain of what we want to believe. You’d have thought that cats would have some conscious control over self-grooming and allogrooming (licking another cat). With respect to grooming another cat there …
Domestic cats lick their fur when it is not on them i.e. not a part of their coat, indicating an instinctive behaviour. If you groom a domestic cat’s coat, keep a small bundle of fur and offer it to your cat, he’ll lick it as in the very short video: What does this mean? …