Do feral cats sleep as much as domestic cats?

Feral cat pictures

I’m sure that you can answer the question without much thought. Common sense dictates that feral cats do not sleep as much as domestic cats. The reason: they have to survive on their wits. They have to be alert. They have to find their food (non-TNR cats!). There is less time to relax and …

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Creeping humanisation of domestic pets happened years ago

Cat food ad

In today’s column (which I am yet to read), Giles Coren has mentioned that Saturday’s The Times newspaper reported on a creeping humanisation of the domestic cat. This has been driven by 3.2 million households in the UK acquiring a new companion animal during the Covid lockdowns, which in turn has led to a …

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How do I know if my cat is bored?

Cat crazies

About 10 minutes ago, my cat was bored. I knew he was bored because he started doing stupid things. He started to run around. He dived under my bed and then jumped out of it. He went behind the curtains looking wild eyed. He then sat hunched on the ground looking a bit bemused. …

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How do I stop my cat scratching the carpet and furniture?

Smart scratching post

There are three points to make in response to the question in the title. The first point is that you want your cat to scratch something! This is because it is natural cat behaviour and you want your cat to express his or her natural behaviour because it makes them more content (feline mojo). …

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Does your cat predict your next move? Mine does. It’s about routines.


When a cat guardian’s lifestyle is meshed with the lifestyle of their domestic cat companion you create routines which are merged and bound together. This is one of the Holy Grails of cat “ownership”. It is a way of allowing your cat to experience Total Cat Mojo in the inimitable words of Jackson Galaxy. …

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Recovering a cat’s Mojo by crossing the “Challenge Line”

Hiding cat

This is a concept, as you may have guessed by the title’s language, of Jackson Galaxy, the celebrated cat behaviourist. He needs to be listened to because of all the cat behaviourist he has the most experience both in cat shelters and in dealing with private clients. He spent many years in cat shelters …

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How do I know my cat is happy?

Happy cat

The signs that your cat is happy will be subtle. It is easier to ask yourself whether you are happy and whether you have created an environment for your cat which will make her happy. I feel that the question should be redirected towards the person. Yes, it can be difficult to know whether …

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