Terminal grandpa feral cat mentors orphaned domestic kittens and enjoys life in the process

Old male cat loves teaching kittens manners

I don’t need words for this one. It is all in the video. It’s nice to see this grumpy, geriatric male feral cat warm up emotionally when he found himself around some orphaned domestic kittens. Both get a lot out of the relationship. Grumpy grandpa soften and became excited to play with the kittens …

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Male Domestic Cats Respond Less Well Than Females to Calls from Kittens

Mother and kitten

Perhaps it is not surprising that in a recent study scientists came to the conclusion that male cats were less sensitive to variations in the cries of kittens in isolation than female cats. We know that as a species male cats are not involved in raising their young. These are cats without “paternal care”. …

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