The word ‘cougar’ is accidental so why are mountain lions called pumas and cougars?

Puma becomes a spoiled domestic cat and can't be returned to the wild

I’ll tell you why mountain lions are called mountain lions and why they are also called cougars and pumas (and painters). Mountain lions Columbus is one of the first to call this cat a ‘lion’ because of its tawny coat which resembles that of the African lion. Also, the name ‘lion’ or ‘león’ is …

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What does ‘tigrillo’ mean?

Jaguarundi in Peru

“Tigrillo” can mean at least two things! It can mean a high-energy coastal breakfast from South America with a bite made with green plantains. It is a traditional breakfast recipe from Ecuador. But note the word “bite” in that sentence. The word ‘tigrillo’ to describe this breakfast meal has been borrowed, I would argue, …

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What is a catamount animal?

Puma climbing

The word “catamount” is an abbreviation of “cat of the mountain” or “cat o’ mountain” or even “cat a mountain”. In the past it was often used to refer to any wild cat species but today it is a fanciful name for the puma, which is more commonly referred to as a mountain lion …

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Why do mountain lions have so many names?


The reason is twofold. This famous wild cat species has a very wide distribution across the Americas although it is shrinking. Also, it has been recognised and recorded for many hundreds of years which has given widely disparate races and peoples time to write about it in their own way. The first reason is …

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