Infographic on 5 thoughts on excess weight in cats

Infographic on 5 thoughts on excess weight in cats

This is a pretty basic infographic but I feel that it is useful to restate the basics from time to time. It depends on the person but there is no doubt that many cat owners still don’t really understand the need to watch calorie input and to burn more energy through exercise. For humans …

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Infographic on feline weight control

Infographic on feline weight control

A tetchy topic. I mean: it can make people tetchy because at the end of the day feline obesity is down to people. The poor cat is the long-suffering victim. That’s hard to bear for many humans. It sounds like I am criticising people but I am not. I understand the difficulties. Most human …

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What’s the common denominator for this couple of cats?

What's the common denominator for these cats

The common denominator is the owner who has consistently overfed his/her cats who look like siblings. They are both obese to put it bluntly. It is as easy as pie to get into the habit of overfeeding oneself and one’s cats. In fact, the former often precedes the latter because obese people lose their …

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Man makes his cat obese and then makes fun of him in highly successful TikTok videos

Obese cat is disrespected, abused and exploited

This man (Ryan?) is immoral. I know that I am being outspoken but it is transparently obvious that I’m correct. He has overfed his black-and-white cat consistently for a long time or adopted an obese cat and failed to put his cat on a diet. It is almost certainly the former. He then describes …

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Do cat breed standards encourage the breeding of obese show cats?

Abnormal cat breeds

It has been suggested that cat association breed standards might be encouraging breeders to select breeding cats with genetic traits that promote an overweight physique in order to meet the breed standard. There is a very interesting article on the Pet MD website (2015) which points to this possibility. I discuss that article below …

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Picture of an obese Sphynx cat looks like a plush toy

Sphynx cat looks like a plump plush toy

It is extraordinary, to me, that an owner of Sphynx cats can allow one of their cats to become morbidly obese and turn her cat into a celebrity and in doing so, vicariously, obtain some celebrity themselves. And it is doubly extraordinary that some of the comments are the Instagram page which promotes this …

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Is your cat genetically predisposed to putting on weight?

Mutated MC4R gene implicated in feline obesity

You don’t want to make this an excuse for overfeeding and under-exercising your cat, but some feline friends are going to be putting on weight because of polymorphism of the feline MC4R gene. Although, it is generally agreed that the normal reason for weight gain in domestic cats is under activity and overfeeding. This …

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