Influences in the transformation of the revered cat to the sorcerer’s friend. Infographic.

One can do a lot worse than quote Dr Desmond Morris who I have already briefly quoted in the infographic. Here is the full text: Religious bigots have often employed the cunning device of converting other people’s heroes into villains, to suit their own purposes. In this way, the ancient horned God that protected …

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Halloween video: fun and entertaining or abusive and objectionable?

Fun or abusive?

Halloween is sadly upon us 😒😎. This holiday season does lead to some cat abuse because of the link between black cats and Halloween. It is an unpleasant association at heart because it harks back to Medieval times and the chronic and widespread abuse of domestic cats for hundreds of years. Black cats are …

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Cat superstitions – educate to suppress them

Black cat superstition in Kenya leads to cat cruelty

Cat superstitions still exist big time. They are considered to be a part of history but this is simply untrue. Nowadays superstitions surrounding the cat are tied up with a lack of knowledge of the cat and, frankly, sometimes distrust and dislike of the cat, just as was the case in medieval Europe. Education …

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Message to rich Middle Eastern residents: please stop keeping cheetahs as pets!

Sad picture of cheetah cub saved from being trafficked to the Middle East to be a pet to the rich

This is a plea to the rich residents of the Middle East who want to keep a cheetah as a pet; please stop it. Please stop it now. What you’re doing is cruel. You are damaging the conservation of the cheetah severely. You are presenting to the world that this beautiful creature, the world’s …

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Across Kenya and East Africa many people still believe domestic and stray cats are evil

Black cat superstition in Kenya leads to cat cruelty

COMMENT: Sadly, due to a lack of education, many people in Kenya, especially along the Indian Ocean coast, still believe, hundreds of years after cats were persecuted during the Middle Ages, that domestic and stray cats are evil. As the spaying and neutering of cats in Kenya is probably rare, they procreate which doesn’t …

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United States: there are nearly 7 times as many cat haters as there are dog haters

Surveys of attitudes in the United States show that there are nearly 7 times as many cat haters as there are dog haters, and many people associate cats with allergies.. The words come from Fiona Sunquist in the book Wild Cats of the World. It’s an excellent book but on this occasion she does …

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Is the golden age of pet cats over?

Cat-phobics persecuting the cat in medieval times

In the 1950s, more new cat breeds were created than at any time before or since. In those far off days, criticism of the cat for destroying wildlife was relatively uncommon. Of course this was well before the internet. Internet social media has been a very powerful tool for a significant percentage of people …

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