Pictures of the Shop Cats of China by Dutch photographer Marcel Heijnen

Shop cats of China

Marcel Heijnen has produced a beautiful photo book of the shop cats of China. I can appreciate good photography. These photographs have quite a subdued, passive and painterly appearance. The cats are often static and quite decorative. The people seem frozen in time. The interiors of the shops are intricate and complicated. Shopkeepers form …

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Picture of a tabby cat using an interactive cat feeder

Picture of a tabby cat using an interactive cat feeder

The time is 8:20 AM. My cat has just spent about 10 minutes feeding himself using the interactive cat feeder (cheap as chips on Amazon). It was his supper because immediately afterwards he went to bed in the cat condo in the background. It’s got a little covered shelf or den which he popped …

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Pictures of the elusive, hard to see, snow leopard

Snow leopard on mountain is hard to see2

SPITI VALLEY, NORTH INDIA – NEWS AND COMMENT: These are great photographs of the snow leopard by photographer Saurabh Desai taken in 2019. What’s good about them, for me, is that they dramatically show the habitat of the snow leopard. These are 40° incline rocky slopes on which the snow leopard hunts and stays …

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Cat picture of the year 2021

Man in white T shirt captures his tiger from Houston residential area after it escaped his home

This is a great picture of a cat; a pet Bengal tiger. People are involved. There is tension. It is newsworthy. The photo was captured by an unknown member of the public on their smartphone I suspect. It is the cat picture of the year for me and I don’t think it will be …

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Photograph of a Maine Coon cat which looks like a drawing

Photo of Maine Coon cat described as Persian but looking like neither

This is a photograph by Armand Tamboly of a domestic cat. The title on Saatchi Art is ‘Persian cat’. The description of the photograph tells us that it was taken ‘from a Maine Coon cat in a studio…’. I have the following observations. This looks more like a drawing than a photograph which makes …

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Dogs look like their owners and sometimes cats do as well

Cat looking like owner. The cat is an Exotic Shorthair with a moustache. The man is - you tell me

This is the best photograph I have seen of a cat looking like their owner. I don’t think you could get closer to a cat having an appearance of their owner than this one. The picture is by Gerrard Gethings. He is a London-based photographer who took a series of photographs of cats looking …

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Hairless cat amplifies the beauty of a hairless woman

Yana by Kristina Varaksina

Photographer Kristina Varaksina chose this photograph as the one that changed her career. It comes from a series when the Association of Photographers asked its members to point out a single photograph which had changed their career. Kristina said: The work was born when I met Yana, a very special young woman, who has …

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