‘Cat love bites’ – what do they mean and why do they happen?

Biting after or during petting session

The ‘cat love bite’ is, I believe, a misnomer. This is not about biting you because he/she loves you. Cats might bite their owner for a number of reasons (e.g. redirected aggression) but in this article I’ll discuss the reason why cat owners call this version of cat biting ‘love bites’. It happens when …

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Do domesticated cats actively seek out fun?

Cat has fun sliding down a slide in a child's playground

Do domestic cats actively seek out fun? Do they have a concept in their minds about the idea of fun and entertaining themselves? Or is it all instinctive when they play? Are they simply enacting the hunting process when they pounce and play with balls of paper or some other commercially made toy? The …

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Outside window cleaner on 22nd floor plays with a domestic cat

Indoor apartment cat intrigued with the activities of the window cleaner

I believe that there are a lot of apartment cats enjoying their moments with window cleaners outside, often hundreds of feet above ground. I bumped into three stories today on the Internet and the one that I’m featuring here is but one example. Scooter, lives on the 22nd floor of an apartment block in …

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Domestic cat attacks their own tail because of redirected aggression

Cat playing with tail

I’ve just bumped into another reason why a domestic cat might attack their own tail. We see a lot of this but it is normally in play. It’s just chasing their tail but if they end up biting their tail hard and even, God forbid, going further and biting off the tip of their …

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Cat scratches washing machine glass while clothes whirl around

Cat wants to play with the swirling contents of a washing machine or get inside the machine to investigate

The title is a bit silly, really, but it is taken, more or less, direct from the website holding the video (Daily Motion). First, I’d doubt that the cat is scratching the ‘glass’ and I don’t believe it is glass but some sort of strong glass substitute. If fact I don’t believe that the …

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Why do cats bite to show affection?

Cat love bite

A different version of the question in the title is: Cat Love Bites: What Do They Mean? You will see various and numerous answers to this question and I think some of them are incorrect. “Cat love bites” are gentle bites which don’t break the skin in contrast to those bites which are made …

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