Adult cat performs exaggerated defensive stance in play with a kitten’s exuberance

Domestic cat performs elaborate defensive stance for no apparent reason

Most of us have seen it: kittens performing a defensive stance as if confronted by a hostile, strange cat who is aggressive towards them. The kitten turns sideways and their hair bristles to make them look bigger. They do the crab walk. Sometimes kittens dance and hop around the floor while taking up this …

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Why do domestic cats cover the black dot? I explain.

If you draw a black dot on a piece of paper your cat might cover it. Why?

There is another cat behaviour trend brewing up on TikTok. In a video which has gone viral, a tabby cat caregiver uses a biro to draw a large black dot on a notepad. Her cat watches nearby. Nothing happens for a while and this is because domestic cats do take a little while to …

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Cat pushed elderly dog down the stairs! Yes or no?

Snickers pushes Bailey down the stairs? Y or N?

It’s an amusing little TikTok video which has captured the imagination of the viewing public. It was made by a woman who is thought to live in America with the TikTok handle @Queefly online. It’s been viewed a lot of times. This is a multi-companion animal home. In the video we see her 15-year-old …

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Do domesticated cats actively seek out fun?

Cat has fun sliding down a slide in a child's playground

Do domestic cats actively seek out fun? Do they have a concept in their minds about the idea of fun and entertaining themselves? Or is it all instinctive when they play? Are they simply enacting the hunting process when they pounce and play with balls of paper or some other commercially made toy? The …

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