Is alcohol toxic to cats? Video example.

Man soaks fish in alcohol and gives it to his cat as punishment.

Alcohol is toxic to cats as you might expect. The main component of alcohol is ethanol. It’s toxic to people as well so it is logical to conclude that it is toxic to domestic cats. My research on Google Scholar didn’t bring up anything of real interest except there was one study which indicated …

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Bad experience with a Bob Martin ‘spot on’ treatment. Warning: margosa extract can be toxic.

Halfway down this page is an article written by a visitor about six years ago: Suzy. She said that she had a very bad experience with Bob Martin’s spot-on flea treatment because it poisoned her cat. At the time I did a bit of research and decided it was a naturally occurring substance called …

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Cat fleas and treatments – comprehensive page

Cat flea

Before I write about cat flea treatment, I would like to discuss cat fleas generally. Some time ago I wrote a succinct post on the life cycle of the cat flea – fascinating..:). There are other posts from visitors (and me!) too. Here is a nice selection: Update 16th October 2010: The Cat Flea: …

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False claim that Amazon sprays its packaging with toxic pesticides harmful to cats

Untrue claim that Amazon boxes are sprayed with a pesticide which can harm domestic cats when they sit in them or chew them

NEWS AND COMMENT: Today, there is an image including words on Facebook, as a post, which is a warning to cat owners about Amazon cardboard boxes. It’s a claim that Amazon sprays all boxes with toxic pesticides to kill warehouse rodents (see comment at base of page). These chemicals, they claim, are dangerous to …

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What about domestic cats ingesting microplastics?

Small Plastic pellets on the finger. Micro plastic air pollution

If adult humans consume between 39,000-52,000 microplastic particles per year (I am not speculating, see study) and if infants have more microplastic particles in their faeces than adults what about cats and dogs? How many microplastic particles are cats consuming or breathing in per year? Microplastics are sometimes referred to as PET microplastics. PET …

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Shock: no link between suspect pet food and feline pancytopenia which has killed 335 cats

Sushi died of pancytopenia after eating Pets at Home AVA dry cat food

You may remember the distressing news that at least 335 domestic cats have died of pancytopenia, a rare disease in cats (one case per year normally) which stops the bone marrow producing red, white and T-cells in the blood. It is a rapid killer when it sets in. The investigators had believed that the …

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30 facts about pyrethrin and cats


Here are 30 facts about pyrethrin and cats. They are all centered around one vital fact: it is a strong poison. Care in use is essential. People use these treatments to benefit the health of their cats, not to harm or kill them. Pyrethrin comes from the chrysanthemum flower; Pyrethroids are a synthetic version …

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Can cats overdose on medications?

Drug Poisoning in Cats

Yes, domestic cats can overdose on veterinary and human medications for a number of reasons. Accidental ingestion of veterinary bills and pills for humans are a common cause of poisoning in companion animals including cats. This may happen when a veterinary medical product is flavoured to encourage a cat to ingest it causing the …

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