What about domestic cats ingesting microplastics?

Small Plastic pellets on the finger. Micro plastic air pollution

If adult humans consume between 39,000-52,000 microplastic particles per year (I am not speculating, see study) and if infants have more microplastic particles in their faeces than adults what about cats and dogs? How many microplastic particles are cats consuming or breathing in per year? Microplastics are sometimes referred to as PET microplastics. PET …

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Can cats overdose on medications?

Drug Poisoning in Cats

Yes, domestic cats can overdose on veterinary and human medications for a number of reasons. Accidental ingestion of veterinary bills and pills for humans are a common cause of poisoning in companion animals including cats. This may happen when a veterinary medical product is flavoured to encourage a cat to ingest it causing the …

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Cats drink antifreeze because of its smell and because it is almost tasteless

Antifreeze poster

You will find it difficult to glean an answer as to why domestic cats appear to like drinking antifreeze. My research indicates to me that we don’t know. It seems that domestic cats drink antifreeze even when it has been spilled accidentally onto the road or leaked out of a vehicle. Most often it …

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What snakes are dangerous to cats in the United States?

Coral snake

There are poisonous and nonpoisonous snakes distributed throughout North America. Normally bites from nonpoisonous snakes do not cause swelling or pain. There are four poisonous species: cottonmouths (water moccasins), rattlesnakes, copperheads and coral snakes. Rattlesnakes, cottonmouths and copperheads are pit vipers. They can be identified by their large size of 1.2 to 2.4 m …

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Domesticated, calico stray cat who gatecrashed the Cairo Film Festival poisoned by the authorities

'Festival Cat' being petted at the Film Festival

NEWS AND NEWS-CAIRO, EGYPT: This cute and confident calico cat became a social media star in Egypt when she gatecrashed the Cairo Film Festival (19-28 November 2020). She hobnobbed with the rich and famous on the red catwalk (excuse the pun). The film stars enjoyed her presence and interacted with her. It is the …

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New South Wales government will be killing dogs, cats, livestock and wildlife with bromadiolone


Bromadiolone has been described as the world’s strongest mouse poison which kills them in 24 hours but which is yet to be approved by the regulators in Australia. The New South Wales government want to use it to manage and suppress the well-reported mouse plague in their state which, according to news media, is …

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Indoor-outdoor cats should be protected with security cameras

One of the four cats poisoned by anti-freeze in Birkdale, UK with baited food thrown into backgarden

NEWS AND VIEWS: BIRKDALE, UK: A cat owner has lost four of her cats at a stroke to deliberate poisoning by antifreeze. It is also believed that the cats were poisoned in their back garden after food was thrown into it. Arwen Davies, 45, of Birkdale, is, of course, devastated and she’s convinced they …

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