Can you be fined for allowing your dog or cat to poop in your backyard?

Dog owner fined for allowing their dog to poop regularly in their backyard

The question is: “Can a cat or dog owner be punished by the local authority or sued by their neighbours for allowing their cat or dog to poop in their backyard frequently without cleaning up the mess?” And the answer is yes! But it depends on the circumstances. And the answer is based upon …

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Woman posts on Facebook that she will poison cats who poo in her garden

Woman posts on Facebook that she will poison cats who poo in her garden

A Welsh woman, Emma Neville, became enraged when her four-year-old daughter picked up cat faeces on her hands while she was playing in her garden (‘backyard’ in America). She posted on Facebook that she would put poisoned chicken down with the intention of poisoning any cat who entered her garden. The post was picked …

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