Why kittens are born with claws and why cats need them

Here are two posters by Ruth (aka Kattaddorra) who has been fighting the good fight against the declawing of cats for many years. She is a co-founder of the ‘International Coalition Against Declawing’. Declawing only occurs in the USA and Canada (I think to a lesser extent in Canada). For me it is an …

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Cat Posters

A series of cat posters by Ruth, AKA Kattaddorra on various subjects. This is an expanding page. You are free to use them. The best way to do this is to click on the small images above. A full sized poster about the size of a typical sheet of paper will come up. You …

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Sebastian’s Diary

Note July 2012 – this page will be updated in the near future. It still works, just! Sorry for the inconvenience. Sebastian’s Diary – Notes about declawing: Declawing is non-essential surgery for the convenience of the cat’s caretaker. It harms the cat. Veterinarians who do the operation are almost always in breach of their …

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