Risks and rewards on micro-chipping full-time indoor cats

Microchip indoor cats to take advantage of the potential rewards in a risk/reward assessment

Full-time indoor cats can escape their home. This means that micro-chipping full-time indoor cats is important. Perhaps it is even more important for full-time indoor cats because if and when they escaped the home they are more likely to be anxious, confused and lost. Note: disclaimer: I am not a vet but a good …

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In the UK pets have got to be ‘suitably restrained’ in a travelling vehicle (rule 57 Highway Code)

Rule 57 of the Highway Code forbids unrestrained pets in travelling vehicles

Rule 57 of the Highway Code in the UK states the following: When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. A seat belt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard …

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Sleepypod is the safest pet carrier in a car crash

Sleepypod pet carrier is the best in a cat crash according to the CPS in the USA

The Sleepypod pet (cat or dog) carrier has been described as the Cadillac of cat/dog carriers. In Britain it would be called the Rolls Royce of pet carriers. There are three reasons for this label: Below is a video showing the Handilock accessory referred to above which ensures the Velcro faster can resist the …

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Places where domestic cats are confined to the home by law

Housing Development Board HDB flats

You may know that there is a gradual, modern trend towards confining domestic cats to their home and the surrounding back and front yard. Whether or not domestic cats are confined to their owners’ properties depends upon individual owner preferences, local laws and cultural norms. There are jurisdictions (places where an authority has control …

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In the UK you could be fined £5,000 if your cat or dog is unrestrained inside your vehicle

Rule 57 of the Highway Code in the UK states that cats and dogs must be restrained inside a moving vehicle.

In the UK, a cat or dog needs to be restrained inside the car when it is being driven under rule 57 of the Highway Code. I bet you didn’t know that! I didn’t. Knowing the rule possibly doesn’t make a great deal of difference to me or you because you probably almost automatically …

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Feline agoraphobia

I am not sure if writers about cats refer to ‘feline agoraphobia’. I have just thought about when writing about a beautiful, ginger Maine Coon (MC) who was let out into the garden (backyard) for the first time after a lifetime ‘locked up’ as a full-time indoor cat as they must be. MC can …

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Apple AirTag to track your indoor/outdoor cat or dog

Apple AirTag cat collar

The Apple AirTag is a device which is designed to allow people to find lost objects such as keys. It is, as usual, a beautifully made product and it both links with your Apple smartphone through Bluetooth and also on a much wider scale through a network of other Apple smartphone users. This is …

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