Why do dogs pant more than cats?

Dogs pant more than cats because their chosen method of temperature regulation and cooling is panting whereas for cats it is depositing saliva on their fur together with panting in extreme circumstances. The difference between cats and dogs with respect to losing heat and temperature regulation is that cats lick themselves, deposit their saliva …

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Can cats be allergic to humans?

Can cats be allergic to humans?

My belief is that cats cannot be allergic to humans provided they are not wearing perfumes and such products or clothes containing allergens. I have come to this conclusion after unfruitful, online research. A barrier to finding information is that Google is unlikely to understand the question in the title. This is because in …

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Cat Saliva. A Discussion

Cat saliva is similar to human saliva. It contains bacteria as does human saliva. It also contains antibacterial agents that helps prevent infections. Cat saliva does not contain antiseptics or disinfectants. Here is the detail…. When people, who know a bit about cats, think of cat saliva they might think of four things (a) …

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Is cat saliva filthy under Islam?

Is cat saliva filthy under Islam? The answer is No. However, it appears not to be clear cut. About 4 years ago I wrote an article about the Islam faith and cats, which was copied, almost verbatim, by the Muslim Observer website! The general conclusion is that cats are welcome by Muslims because the …

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Cat Saliva

Cat saliva is secreted in response to the smell and sight of food (my cat also goes to the toilet before eating her fish!). Excessive production – cat drooling – is a sign of mouth disease. As for all species, the cat’s mouth masticates food and mixes it with its saliva. It is the …

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