4 tips on smoothing the introduction of new cat to a resident cat’s home (infographic)

New cat introduction tips in an infographic

As usual, the infographic says all I want to say on this. It is all about merging feline scent to make each cat feel at home (scent exchange). It makes cats feel like they are part of a family of friendly cats which also applies to humans as cats often deposit scent on our …

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15 facts on cat bunting

Here are 15 facts about cat bunting. It isn’t only cats who employ this form of behaviour. Bunting is sometimes described as head-butting. Bunting is a form of scent communication (communicating through smell which is very important to the cat) and can sometimes take place after the cat has used their Flehmen response (a …

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Why do cats hate water? 5 reasons. Nuanced answer.

This cat likes being submerged in water or does not mind

The question is imprecise. It should be: “Why do domestic cats generally dislike being submerged in water?” Obviously, cats like to drink water and therefore they like water if they are drinking it! And the word “cats” includes all cats; domestic and wild. There are many wild cats (and some domestic cats) who like …

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Why did Martha Stewart’s dogs kill her Persian cat mistaking her as an ‘interloper’?

Burial of Princess Peony

NEWS AND COMMENT: On Instagram, Martha Stewart tells us, 20 hours ago from the time of this post, that four of her dogs mistook her calico Persian cat Princess Peony for an “interloper” and “killed her defenceless little self. I will miss her badly. RIP beauty”. I will miss her very badly’ – Martha …

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Adorable, loving friendship between Pitbull and Russian-bred Maine Coon

Maine Coon cat, Earnest falls into the arms of Hemingway, his Pitbull dog friend

Samantha, on TikTok, captured a sweet moment between her Pitbull dog, Hemingway, and a Russian-bred polydactyl Maine Coon, Ernest. Hemingway invites a cuddle from his cat companion. Hemingway slides forward with his forelegs to make contact with the cat’s beautiful, plumed tail. The plumed tail and the lynx-tipped ears and the general appearance, plus …

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Cat behaviour: is this cat stopping his girl companion falling off furniture?

Cat stops girl from falling off furniture? Or is it scent exchange?

The video shows a classic, blotched, tabby cat in a very close relationship with a young, cute Asian girl. The video was made in Asia. The commentary is that the cat is deliberately making constant efforts to stop the girl falling off furniture by standing in her path. My interpretation is different and not …

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