6 pictures of cats fascinated with the bathroom in use and 6 reasons why

Cats like bathrooms when occupied and used

Although not all domestic cats are fascinated with human bathrooms in use, there is a tendency that they will be for the reason stated below. It all depends upon the individual cat because each one has their own character as all well-informed cat caregivers know. Cats are inquisitive. When they hear the sound of …

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Cat fascinated with their pregnant owner’s bellybutton. Why and what?

Cat fascinated with pregnant owner's bellybutton

This video on brings to my mind a couple of questions or more. The first is a well-known one namely whether cats know if their owner is pregnant. That question can go even further because you could ask whether cats can detect if their owner has become pregnant before their owner realises it. And …

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Why do some domestic cats lick biodegradable bags?

Cat licks a cornstarch bag

Nowadays, biodegradable plastic bags are made from PLA (polylactic acid) which is derived from cornstarch. These bags are compostable. They are environmentally friendly. They’ve been around for a long time, at least since 2006 as reported on the Smithsonian website. The manufacturing includes taking corn kernels which are milled. Dextrose is extracted from starch. …

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Scented human objects alone do not reassure domestic cats when their caregiver is away

Gabs sleeping on a book to keep cooler

New Scientist reports on a study which tells us that scented human objects alone do not reassure domestic cats when their caregiver is away. I’ll explain what that means. There is a general belief that if you leave an item of used clothing with your cat while you are away it can reassure them. …

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Can cats detect cancer?

Cat nose can detect cancers?

Although, apparently, there are no studies on domestic cats detecting cancer in humans, I believe that they can based upon some straightforward research and an excellent first-hand account. Research does, however, indicate that dogs can detect many types of cancer through odour signatures in a person’s skin, urine, breath, sweat and faeces. THERE ARE …

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