Cat Aggressive After Anesthesia

People search for information about cats being aggressive after they have been anesthetised at a veterinary clinic and return home. The question is: does the anaesthetic change the cat’s personality from calm to aggressive or is something else happening such as “Feline Non-Recognition Aggression”? Something else is happening in my opinion, although anaesthetics can …

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There is no such thing as “disability” for cats

Disability is seeing things as half empty. It is better to see things as half full as Honey Bee does instinctively. In fact she doesn’t even think about her disability at all. I believe that this is a lesson for many humans. Cats do teach us lessons if we are open to them.   …

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Japanese Bobtail Cats Predict Tsunami and Howl a Warning

Tashirojima, off the Japanese coast, is sometimes called Cat Island. Incidentally, there is another Cat Island off Hawaii. The Japanese Cat Island has this name because, apparently, there are about 100 people living on the island but there are 300 cats. Initially they were brought to the island to kill mice to stop them …

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Cats and people like a soothing sense of community

Fundamentally cats and people like the same things. Here’s a little snippet of information which tells us that we are like cats in many ways. We know that cats rub themselves against us and objects in our home to deposit scent on those objects to make the place more friendly. When they rub against …

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