US animal shelter euthanasia rates past 50 years. Infographic.

The drop in US animal shelter euthanasia rates is one of the great success stories of animal rescue in the US and we have a debt of gratitude to pay to Nathan Winograd, the founder of the No Kill movement (see more below). The infographic summarises the story. Below the infographic there are more …

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Accidental killings in US animal shelters are often not accidents

Accident or careless management?

Intro: There are many thousands (over 4,000) of excellent animal shelters in the US saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of animals each year but there are some who are failing through sloppy management. The presence of animal shelters in the US is a wonderful thing when you think about it. They indicate …

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Optimising cage space of shelter cats increases likelihood of adoption

Malaysian man uses cats to raise money on Facebook

As part of the Capacity for Care (C4C) program, optimising cage space at shelters has found to be a very important component in improving the health and behaviour of shelter cats leading to lower deaths at shelters and increased adoptions. There is an optimum cage size and it has been found that increasing the …

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Florida veterinarian said senior cat was ‘suffering’ and euthanizes her on the day of intake at SPCA

cat euthanized

A Lakeland senior cat was euthanized the same day it was turned in to SPCA Florida because the veterinarian said the cat was suffering. This tragic story is yet another reason to have your cat microchipped. Jazmyn had been part of MeLynda Rinker’s family for many years. There’s even a brick in the front yard …

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Cat wrongfully labeled feral: ‘I kept looking for this vicious wild cat that had terrorized a family’

cat rescue

Posted March 15, 2019 – A Reader’s Forum article by Laura Morrison This is what gets animals killed. Labeling them feral without any idea of what that really means. This beautiful boy was called in as a feral public nuisance, terrorizing a neighborhood. As if we weren’t already busy enough, a call came in …

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‘Mother Earth’ female cat rescuer has saved the lives of thousands of cats

Debbie Heller

I have described Debbie Heller as a Mother Earth figure because what she does is so positive and bountiful it its generosity. I guess she is just an ‘ordinary’ woman but she is also special and by no means unique. I am sure that there are very many ladies like her doing their bit …

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The thoughts of a shelter worker on euthanasia and coping emotionally


These are the thoughts of Shannon Phillips. She is an animal shelter worker. Her job title is “Cattery Coordinator”. She has responsibilities and she is authorised and certified to euthanize animals. Making animal euthanasia more meaningful Euthanizing shelter animals is probably the most stressful aspect of shelter work. The first time Shannon did it, …

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