Black cat swipes and bites cat show judge (video)

Black cat swipes and bites cat show judge

I like this video because I don’t really like cat shows as they are very much about humans having fun in showing off the appearance of cats but are the cats having fun? Or are they stressed? Do cats like being herded into noisy cat show halls with tons of people milling around gawping …

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Judge awards Norwegian Forest Cat the best of its breed at cat show and 3rd best overall

Judging an NFC at a cat show and pointing out the equilateral triangle of the face conformation

This is a nice video of a cat show judge assessing a Norwegian Forest Cat (NFC) on the judge’s table with an audience of visitors listening. In effect, he lectures the visitors as to the major points of interest in the cat before him; a ginger tabby-and-white. There is a large scratching post to …

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Picture of purebred cat being prepared to be judged at cat show

Picture of what a purebred cat goes through at a cat show before being shown

This is an excellent cat picture by AARON LAVINSKY of the STAR TRIBUNE of Marsha Tjeerdsma, of Springfield, South Dakota, grooming her Himalayan, “Hott Toddy,” before showing him at the 43rd Annual Saintly City Cat Championship Cat Show. The picture caught my eye. It’s a very good photo. Initially I noticed the white powder …

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