So what is the cat fancy? The infographic explains and below the infographic there are image links to more articles on the topic. They are cat lovers and they love fancy cats!

In general cat show cats are habituated to the noise and unfamiliar people. There’s a study out online entitled “Assessment of cats’ behaviour during a cat show“. The scientits came to the conclusion that “the cat show environment represents a situation full of stressful stimuli for the cat; despite this, our results have identified …
I like this video because I don’t really like cat shows as they are very much about humans having fun in showing off the appearance of cats but are the cats having fun? Or are they stressed? Do cats like being herded into noisy cat show halls with tons of people milling around gawping …
You see it often: cat show judges and even Wikipedia describing the Maine Coon cat as a “natural breed”. In fact, Wikipedia opens up with the statement that the Maine Coon cat is “one of the oldest natural breeds in North America”. It seems to me that the phrase “natural breed” is an oxymoron, …
So what is the cat fancy? The infographic explains and below the infographic there are image links to more articles on the topic. They are cat lovers and they love fancy cats!
This is a nice video of a cat show judge assessing a Norwegian Forest Cat (NFC) on the judge’s table with an audience of visitors listening. In effect, he lectures the visitors as to the major points of interest in the cat before him; a ginger tabby-and-white. There is a large scratching post to …
This is another interesting cat show photo from a different era. It shows a blue Persian cat of the traditional style (doll-face). His name is Patrick of Allington. Cat fanciers love their fancy names and rightly so. His attractive female owner carries Patrick on her shoulders as if carrying a sack of potatoes from …
This an image from times gone by. It is a photo of Mrs H. Cattermole, a cat show judge, judging Sealeigh Grey Knight. The cat looks like a moggie. She wears a white coat as if she is behind the counter at the local butchers. She has a fag in her mouth. The ash …
Possibly the first cat show was held during the time of William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) at St. Giles’ Fair in Winchester, England in 1598. I had always believed that the first show was at Crystal Palace, London in 1871 but that apparently is not quite true. Perhaps we have …